英会話 time trial 24/6/10(月) D6 もう暗くなってきました

英会話 time trial 24/6/10(月) D6 もう暗くなってきました
Around the world
we’re on the move.
Speak up every week,
and you’ll improve.
You can talk to me.
We can laugh and smile.
Eikaiwa Time Trial

Let’s get started with Day6 for the month of June.
Hi, everyone.
Thanks for joining us.
Welcome to a new week of -.
Hi, everyone. Catherine here. On Friday you have an important job. Help a kid traveling on a bus. She feels a little car sick. Practice phrases this week and then challenge yourself on Friday with a conversation with me.
Thanks Catherine. Did you hear the word car sick?

And let’s do some SPR training.
That’s right. Let’s practice using the verb, get.
OK. Are you ready for your first try? Here we go.

1. 道に迷ってしまいました。
I got lost.
4. How do you say はぐれる in English?
get split up
7. もしはぐれたら、 ここで4時に待ち合わせましょう。
If we get split up, -.
8. How do you say 暗くなる?
get dark, become ではなく、 get
9. フィジーでは何時ごろに暗くなりますか?
About what time -?
10. もう暗くなってきました。
It’s getting -.
11. 暗くなる前に家に帰りましょう。
Let’s go home -.

OK, how was your first round? Did you try to say each one?
OK. Listen closely.


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