英会話 time trial 23/12/15(金) D10 ルームシェアで迎えた最初の朝

英会話 time trial 23/12/15(金) D10 ルームシェアで迎えた最初の朝
Around the world
we’re on the move.
Speak up every week,
and you’ll improve.
You can talk to me.
We can laugh and smile.
Eikaiwa Time Trial

Let’s get started with Day 10 for the month of December.
Hi, everyone. I’m Steve Soresi. And here’s a navigator to Singapore.
Hi, everyone. I’m Nilina Boban. You’ll have a conversation with me today.
Are you ready?
Here we go.
Across The Globe!
シンガポールでの生活が今日、ついにスタートします。(Your life in Singapore finally starts today.)
Imagine this.
We are roommates. We live in a nice condo in Singapore. Nilinaさんとのルームシェアが始まり、最初の朝を迎えました。(It was my first morning sharing a room with Nilina.)
Today we will have a chat in the livingroom after you wake up.
朝起きたあなたはNilinaさんとリビングで会話をします。あなたのことを気にかけて、ベッドの寝心地は、良かったかなど、色々質問してくれますよ。(You wake up in the morning and have a conversation with Nilina in the living room. They care about you and will ask you various questions, such as whether the bed was comfortable or not.)
Let’s talk about coffee and tea, and then we go out and walk around Singapore.
好きな飲物についても聞かれますので答えましょう。そして最後にシンガポールの散策に誘われますよ(You will also be asked about your favorite drink, so let’s answer that. Finally, you will be invited to explore Singapore.)
Did you imagine today’s situation?
それでは、Nilinaさんの質問に自分なりの英語で答えて会話を完成させてください。(Now, complete the conversation by answering Nilina’s questions in your own English.)
Just reply to my quetions with your own words.
Try to have 8-turn conversation as you wake up and talk to your roommate in Singapore. Ready, start.

ベッドの寝心地や好きな飲み物など、 相手の質問に答えましょう
(It’s our first morning sharing a room in Singapore.
Your roommate cares about you and asks you a lot of questions.
Answer the other person’s questions, such as the comfort of your bed or your favorite drink.)


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