ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/8/8(木)関連記事-ナウル大統領“中国経済無視できず”
Nauru president talks about diplomatic shift toward China
Saturday, July 20, 0:35
The leader of Nauru has spoken to NHK about why the Southern Pacific island nation recently severed diplomatic ties with Taiwan in favor of China.
President David Adeang was in Tokyo to attend the Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting, hosted by Japan every three years.
Nauru established diplomatic relations with China in January and severed ties with Taiwan. The Solomon Islands and Kiribati, also Pacific island nations, did the same in 2019.
Speaking on Friday, Adeang said, “We are confident that we will be on the right side of history for partnering with China at this time.”
金曜日にアディアンは、”我々は、この時期に中国と提携することは歴史の正しい側に立つことになると確信している “と述べた。
He went on to say China’s economy can’t be ignored, and that the country has a lot of technology to support the development of small island nations.
Nauru has a population of just over 12,000.
Adeang said a port reconstruction project led by China and supported by the Asian Development Bank is expected to be completed no later than the middle of next year.
He said Nauru’s infrastructure needs improving, and described the plan as a “very exciting, transformational project for the people.”
彼は、ナウルのインフラは改善する必要があると述べ、この計画を “非常にエキサイティングで、人々のための変革プロジェクト “と表現した。