基礎英語2 24/7/22(月) W4-D1焚き火を囲んで
Hello, everyone. I’m Matsumoto Shigeru.
Hi, I’m Anya.
And I’m Michael.
We’re ready.
Are you?
Let’s go.
April Week4 -焚き火を囲んで Day1
Weekly Goal
I’m glad that you like them.
-First Listen
Listen to the story carefully to find the answer.
ミゲルの両親が、 玲奈たちをキャンプに連れてきてくれました。 みんなで焚き火を囲んでいます。
(Miguel’s parents brought Reina and her family camping. Everyone is sitting around the campfire.)
Here is the question.
玲奈は何を焼いた (toast) スイーツを食べていますか?
(What toasted sweets does Reina eat?)
A s’more alternatively spelled smore (pronounced /ˈsmɔːr/, or /səˈmɔːr/) is a confection consisting of toasted marshmallow and chocolate sandwiched between two pieces of graham cracker, or alternatively a chocolate digestive. S’mores are popular in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom and traditionally cooked over a campfire.
-Useful English
toast over the campfire 焚き火の上のほうで〜をこんがり焼く
marshmallow マシュマロ
graham crackers グラハムクラッカー (粗挽きにした小麦粉でできているクッキーのこと。)
Like this? このように?
run out of -, 〜が足りなくなる、 〜を使い果たす
Can we have some more? もう少しもらえる?
Sure thing. もちろん。 (Sure. だけよりも、よりカジュアルでフレンドリーな感じ。)
-Second Listen
Now listen to the story again. Then, try to answer the question in English.
Q). Why are they called “s’mores”?