中高生の基礎英語 24/8/5(月) T10-D1 Do we need homework during summer vacation? 夏休みの宿題は必要ですか?
Topic 10 Do we need homework during summer vacation?
夏休みの宿題は必要ですか? Day 1
-This Week’s Dialogue
イラストを見ながら今週のダイアログを聴き、 おおまかな内容を理解しましょう。
-New Words, New Phrases
time off
-Conversation Strategy
今週のダイアログから、会話を続けるために役立つ表現を学びましょう。 今回は「相手の意見に物腰柔らかく反対するとき」の表現です。 どちらも相手の意見を否定せずに、 自分の考えを伝えることができます。
I see what you mean, but…
I understand what you’re saying, but… と同じ意味です。
You have a point, but…
You’re right, but… や That makes sense, but… と同じ意味です。
-One More Phrase
Not necessarily.
wish for
kind of
a little or somewhat
care about
to think that someone or something is important
to be important
= healthy
in a soft and kind way
the rest
the part of something that is remaining
would rather
= would prefer to
-中高生の基礎英語♪ ♪ in English! ♪
Welcome, listeners. We’re excited to have you with us. My name is Gary Scott Fine.
Hi, I’m Sandy Skye. Let’s have a great day together.
Hello, I’m Sumida Moeno. Let’s have an exciting week!
Woo-hoo! All right, then. Let’s get started.
♪ Topic 10, Day 1.
Let’s warm up by chatting about this week’s topic, which is:
Do we need homework during summer vacation?
Mmm, homework. Students all around the world wish for less homework.
Moeno, how many days a week do you have to do homework?
It depends on the week. It’s about five days a week.
Mmm, usually about five days a week. Do you enjoy doing your homework?
Mmm. I only enjoy doing homework that (is) my favorite subject.
I see, your favorite subjects. How about you, Sandy? Did you enjoy doing homework?
Mmm. I guess I kind of liked art homework.
There were times when I enjoyed doing homework, but there were also times that I did not enjoy it, and one of those times was during vacation.
You know, sometimes it might be good to do something, even if you don’t enjoy it.
Mmm, that’s true, and that’s something we’ll talk about when we discuss this week’s topic question:
Do we need homework during summer vacation?
Now, let’s move on to this week’s dialogue.
Edison is walking across a courtyard at school. He sees Ayaka and goes over to talk to her.
Yes. It’s summer vacation, but they seem to have come to school for their club activities.
Moeno, what words did you catch?
“Training hard.”
Mm-hmm, good.
Good. Ayaka uses the expression “quality time.” “Quality time” is the time that you spend together with someone that you care about, giving them your complete attention.
Right. What you’re doing together doesn’t matter so much.
The important thing is that you are together, making your relationship stronger.
We’ll find out more about the things Edison and Ayaka say on Day 2 and Day 3.
-New Words, New Phrases
Here are some words and phrases that you might have heard for the first time.
Today’s first expression is: time off.
“Time off” is a time when you have a break from studying or working. It’s free time.
Right. In the dialogue, Ayaka says, “We need time off.”
Yeah. She means that students need time away from studying, time to rest and relax.
Moeno, last month, you told us that you go to school six days a week.
Do you think you get enough time off?
Yes. I like my school, so I enjoy going to school six days a week.
So, you have enough time off.
I see. Our next new expression is: independently.
When you’re independent, you’re able to do things by yourself, without help.
Yes. So, when you do something independently, it means that you do it yourself, without help from anyone.